Friday, March 26, 2010

Professional Juggler

One of my Facebook friends posted this as her status today:

"____ is a cook, a housekeeper, a parent, a teacher, a referee, a nanny, a nurse, a handy man, a maid, security, and a comforter and a primary care giver. I don't get holiday, sick pay, or a day off, I work through the day and some of the night, I am under paid and over worked. Now tell me that YOUR job is harder than mine.... ""

I wanted to comment: The only thing harder than your job is mine. I have to be all the things you mentioned PLUS hold down a full-time job. Even more challenging is the fact that I'm suppose to do all those things well.

Sometimes I feel like a juggler with two many balls in the air.... just waiting for one of them to drop and hit me square in the face. Yeah, that's what I am: a professional juggler. I think I'll call the circus to see if they're hiring.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the stay at home mom vs. the full time working mom. I have some wonderful friends who are stay at home moms. They are wonderful ladies. But there are some stay at home mamas who thing that just because we work full time we don't do anything at home. It's frustrating. Why can't we just come to an understanding that we're all moms and we should support each other in whatever ways we need to.
