Breastfeeding has been a labor of love for me. It was very painful for me in the beginning. I remember dreading an upcoming feeding because I anticipated how badly it would hurt. And at the start of a feeding, I would literally grit my teeth and try not to cry. Sometimes I couldn't hold back the tears. But I've made it work because it's the best thing for Jackson, especially since he struggles with reflux and eczema.
It's only by sheer determination that I'm still breastfeeding Jackson after four months. All those things people told me--how it's such a great bonding experience, it's the natural thing to do, it's convenient, it's cheap, etc. The only thing that proved true for me is that it's cheap. Breastfeeding is not convenient for me. It definitely didn't come naturally, and I think I would have bonded just as well with Jackson if I fed him formula by bottle. I just don't enjoy lactating. (Please don't report me to the La Leche League nazis.) Nevertheless, I'm glad I've managed to continue breastfeeding since returning to work. But I have to tell you, it's not easy. I can definitely understand why the majority of moms choose formula. (I totally support their choice, too.)
First of all, pumping is a pain in the
that is HILARIOUS!!!!! more power to ya woman..this is a story to tell jackson about your dedication to his health and well being. pumping at work behind a cow