Monday, March 22, 2010

Interesting Weekend

We had an interesting weekend. Jackson wasn't feeling well. He started acting fussy on Saturday evening. It seemed like his tummy was hurting. I tried everything: Mylicon, Gripe Water, Tylenol, Motrin, warm bath, massage, singing to him, the swing (his favorite)... Nothing worked. By Sunday afternoon, I figured out that the only thing that seemed to help Jackson calm down was nursing him. We went to a birthday party last night, and I spent most of the party holed up in a room, nursing Jackson and trying to keep him quiet. So it feels like I've been breastfeeding non-stop for 2 days... Remember that blog I posted about the joys of breastfeeding?  *Moo!*

While reading the news today, I stumbled upon some interesting statistics published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the CDC, 74% of American women are breastfeeding their infants when they leave the hospital or birthing center. Apparently many women share my experience because the rate drops to 31% of women who exclusively breastfeed through the first three months. And it's only 11% through six months.

There ya go. Statistical evidence of why I'm so crabby these days.

Husbands, hug your baby mamas. They need it.

1 comment:

  1. You're funny. What is the percentage for 16 months? Anyway, I didn't think I would enjoy it either especially since Meg couldn't but Monica LOVED it!
