Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jackson's 4-month Checkup

Jackson went to see the pediatrician today for his 4-month checkup. He got his immunizations (2 big shots!), which definitely was not his favorite part of the appointment.

Here are Jackson's stats:

Weight: 14 pounds, 9 ounces (40th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (83rd percentile)
Head: 16 1/2 inches (38th percentile)

The most impressive statistic is that Jackson grew 3 inches taller in the past 2 months! I bet his daddy secretly hopes he will be a basketball player. 

Dr. Marvasti commented on how happy Jackson is. He just smiled and "talked" to her. She put him on his tummy, and he started scooting backwards, a sign that he is strong and developing well. Here's a picture of his cute chubby thighs. (They happen to be very ticklish.)

We discussed several concerns with the doctor. My main concern is Jackson's skin. He has eczema, which is allergic, over-sensitive skin. The eczema is pretty much all over his body (in varying degrees) with the exception of his diaper area. The eczema is also on his head, which some people call "cradle cap". But in Jackson's case it's a little different from cradle cap. We're doing everything we can to treat the eczema.  But Dr. Marvasti said that since eczema is genetic, we're probably going to battle it throughout Jackson's childhood. When he gets a little older, he will need to be tested for food allergies, which is common in kids with eczema.

Jackson also has plugged tear ducts. It's a fairly common condition that makes the eyes run constantly. Plugged tear ducts usually resolve in time. John had to have surgery on his plugged tear ducts when he was young, so Dr. Marvasti said it's possible Jackson's may need the surgery too. They will keep an eye on it, and after he is one year old, they will determine if surgery is needed.

I have to admit, it's really frustrating to be told that my beautiful baby will likely continue to be covered in a red, scaly rash and have eyes that constantly run and goop up. I was thinking about that on the way back to work from the doctor's office. But then I remembered some people can't even have babies. They would probably give anything for a rashy baby...  Even worse, some parents lose their babies to illness or tragedy. So I'm thankful for my sweet, smiley baby boy.

For the most part, he is healthy and happy. I am blessed!

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