Monday, August 2, 2010

Test of Momability

Every once-in-awhile I reflect on my pregnancy, and I remember how badly I felt those last few weeks before Snuggles was born.  Nevertheless, I have to admit life was easier when Snuggles was on the inside!  Last weekend caused me to once again ask myself, "Am I really capable of doing this?!"

Poor Snuggles caught a cold last week.  He got worse over the weekend to the point that he stopped eating altogether.  He drank about 4 oz. Friday at 8 p.m., but then refused to nurse or drink from a bottle.  Finally around noon on Saturday, I resorted to force-feeding him with a syringe to avoid dehydration.  He was whiny and listless, obviously uncomfortable.  I called 1-800-ASK-NANA-NURSE (a.k.a. my mom), and she advised us to take him to the urgent care clinic just to rule out an ear infection or anything else that required treatment we couldn't provide.  The clinic examined Snuggles, confirmed he had a cold, advised us to continue forcing liquids, and charged us a $20 co-pay.

Saturday tested my momability to the point of breakdown.  There is just something W-R-O-N-G about having to *force* your baby to eat. Guitarman held down Snuggles' hands while I pried Snuggles' mouth open and squirted milk down his throat with a syringe. The whole time he screamed and gurgled with tears pouring down his cheeks... He must have wondered why we were torturing him.  It was horrible!  It was all I could do to hold back my own tears.

Here's the good news: Snuggles turned a corner late Saturday evening, and he started drinking milk from a bottle.  He's doing better now.  He still has a nasty cough, and although he is still too congested to nurse, at least he is eating again and on the mend.  The bad news is, Snuggles gave me his cold. I was in bed all afternoon yesterday with greasy-grimy-gopher-guts. 

Okay, so get this... They weighed Snuggles at the clinic on Saturday, and he weighed 18 pounds, 15 oz.  That means he has gained almost 3 pounds since his 6 month appointment. I was a little surprised he wasn't heavier. It seems like Snuggles is growing like a weed!

I can't believe I've made it almost 9 months as Snuggles' mom.  I guess that proves Philippians 4:13 is true.

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