Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We've come a long way, baby

Dear Snuggles,

When you woke up to eat this morning and we enjoyed our 5 a.m. cuddle, I started thinking about how far we've come together....
  • We've come a long way from the day I peed on the magic stick, and literally almost passed out on the bathroom floor when I realized you were growing inside me.
  • We've come a long way since your Daddy and I stared in disbelief at the tiny blip on the ultrasound screen confirming that we were, in fact, going to be your parents.
  • We've come a long way since the nights when I would lie awake in bed with your little feet drumming a rhythm on my ribs.
  • We've come a long way since the day I checked into the hospital with a head cold and laryngitis, and pushed and pushed and pushed (for nearly 3 hours) to bring you into the world.
  • We've come a long way from the first time we met. I was too exhausted to even open my eyes, but when they laid you on my chest, and I knew it was you. You had the softest skin I've ever felt.
  • We've come a long way from the first few weeks of your life when my tears dropped onto your soft little head as you nursed.
  • We've come a long way since the newborn diapers bagged around your tiny bum, and we squirted reflux medication into your (loudly) objecting mouth.
  • We've come a long way since those sleepless nights when we sat on the sofa holding you upright for 20 minutes, delirious with exhaustion while you digested your latest meal. 
  • We've come a long way from the liquid-disaster-Call-Hazmat poopie blowouts.
  • We've come a long way since you hated your bath and wiggled out of the swaddle.
 We've come a long way, baby.

I love you,

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