Monday, March 28, 2011


Have you seen that Facebook app called DailyMile?  Basically DailyMile allows people to post on their Facebook page how many miles they ran and how they felt running those miles. It looks something like this:

Steve ran 2 miles and felt great.


Jill ran 3 miles and felt invigorated.

I'll be honest.  The first time I saw the DailyMile app used on Facebook, I chuckled. Why? Because I immediately thought of what my DailyMile post would say. Something like this:

Melinda ran to the mailbox and collapsed from cardiac arrest.

Melinda bounded up the stairs and knocked herself out with her boobs.

I wish I had more time to exercise. I need it desperately. But the reality is, balancing a full-time job, motherhood and marriage brings to me to the brink of absolute exhaustion everyday. I struggle just to accomplish the basic tasks needed to keep the house running... Who has time to run 5 miles, let alone post it on Facebook?!

So, instead of DailyMile, I've decided to create my own Facebook app, one that is more representative of my reality.  I'll call it DailyMom.  My DailyMom status will say something like this:

Melinda got up at 6 a.m., got herself and her toddler ready for the day,
commuted to work, worked all day, commuted back home, fixed dinner,
bathed toddler, rocked toddler and put him to bed, did laundry, watched 
a little TV, crashed into bed and felt pooped.

OR, how about this one?

Melinda slept in until 6:30 a.m., showered, spent 10 minutes running around the house looking for a clean pair of underwear, tripped over discarded toys, fell on her face, and felt like a complete failure.

Yeah, that's definitely more like it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Melinda! This is so true! Our sitter actually uses the DailyMile app, but I'm with you--I need to use your DailyMom app instead. You stated it so perfectly!
