Thursday, September 9, 2010

Love Thursday

Some time ago, one of my favorite bloggers posted a list of the things she loves about her family. She called it "Love Thursday".  I'm poaching her idea for today.

Because I need it. [Thinking about the blessings in my life helps me forget about my craptastic day.]

I love... 

.... finding Snuggles asleep in his crib first thing in the morning, curled up in his blanket like a twisty pretzel.

.... that I get a fluttering feeling in my chest when I look forward to an evening out with Guitarman.

.... salsa and queso at Jalapenos.

.... finding money in the pocket of jeans I haven't worn in awhile.

.... puppies.
.... sleeping in on Saturday morning.

.... flowers, notes and little gifts, reminders that Guitarman thinks about me when we're apart.

.... thunderstorms.

.... when Guitarman gets up with Snuggles so I can sleep in on Saturday morning.

.... watching old episodes of "Friends" and "Frazier".

.... hugging my family and friends after a lengthy time apart.

.... Guitarman's laugh, especially when I get to be the one who makes him laugh.

.... chocolate brownies right out of the oven.

.... that Snuggles' face lights up when I walk into the room.

.... receiving snail mail from my mom.

.... climbing into a big bed with clean, cool sheets.

.... long walks in the warm ocean surf.

.... how Snuggles' hair sticks up after his bedtime bath.

.... being invited to someone's house for dinner.

.... that Guitarman holds my hand when I'm too sad to speak.

.... the perfectly straight, brilliantly green lines on our freshly-mowed lawn.

.... rocking with Snuggles when he's sleepy and wants to cuddle.

.... a fresh stick of gum.

.... chatting with friends online.

.... reading a good book, preferably with a cup of coffee in hand.

.... pouring my heart out to Taco, knowing that somehow she understands the emotion behind the words.

.... sitting in front of a fireplace when it's cold outside.

Happy Love Thursday.

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